Monday, January 25, 2021

"The name of this righteous person was Wladimir Riszko"

See previous post, and this amazing, wonderful thread:

Chaim Feingold, Salya (Sarah) Feingold (nee Sperling) and my dad Dov.
David hi,

My mom told me today, that the person who saved my grandparents and father, 16 Jews in all, married one of the Jews he saved and moved to New Zealand. Maybe that is a lead? Add to the blog post?

Thanks, Sara

So Sara emails the New Zealand Holocaust Memorial and gets back:
Hi Sara

I am the daughter of Wladimir Riszko and Rennie Riszko ( nee Rivka

Your email seems like a miracle because I have wanted for years for my
father to be recognized as a Righteous Gentile but we felt there wasn't
enough proof.

I have the names of several people whom my father hid in his house but
there are no Wolfs among them.

My mother was so traumatized by the loss of her birth family that she
could never give us a coherent, sequential story of her Holocaust
experiences so my brother, George and I have pieced together some of it.

How did you know that we eventually ended up in New Zealand?

A friend of mine volunteers at our Holocaust Museum and knew enough of
my parent's story to recognize that it could be my father who hid your
family. He lived in a hamlet a few kilometers from Przemysl which is he
was able to hide so many people.

So looking forward to taking with you and learning about your family!!

Sara replies:
This morning was very overwhelming for both myself and Eva Riszko Woodbury. For years I have been haunted about not knowing who it was who saved my father and grandparents along with 13 other Jewish people right outside the Przemysl Ghetto, and today I know and have been in touch with the children of this man.

The name of this righteous person was Wladimir Riszko and he was only about 30 years of age at the time. Wladimir married one of the Jewish women whom he saved, Rennie Riszko (nee Rivka Schildkraut). They have a list of the Jews who were saved, amongst them, the Feingolds, our original family name

Eva told me that none of those who were saved made contact over the years and that she wants more than anything for her father to be recognized, posthumously as a Righteous Gentile.

The Riskzo's had a child while in hiding! This is George, who was born about 3 weeks before liberation by the Russians, when Rennie was somehow whisked out of the hiding place to Wladimir's cousins for the birth, of their child, a Jewish child.

Eva their daughter was born later and she told me this morning that she has been back to Przemysl and says that the hiding place was in a hamlet a few kilometers out of Przemsyl.

We spent a good hour talking on video camera. 

How did she reach me? Late last night Israel time, I sent a message to the New Zealand Holocaust Memorial, unbeknownst to me on the receiving end was Dr. Anne Beaglehole, a refugee herself and a  historian of refugee immigration to New Zealand, friends of the Riszko family who had interviewed George in 1988 for her work and knew of their stroy. She right away sent them an email and this morning I woke up to an email from George followed by one from Eva, who then found me on Facebook.

Friday, January 15, 2021

The Feingold-Bank/Sperling families of Przemysl

Granddaughter of survivors writes:

My name is Sara. My father was born in 1939 in Przemysl. His mother's family, the Sperling family, had lived on Kilinskiego Street. Everyone but my grandfather Mr. Charles Bank (Chaim Feingold-Bank), my grandmother Sally Sarah and my father Dov, were killed.

My grandfather managed to get out before the liquidation of the ghetto. They were hidden by a righteous gentile along with others, numbering 16 people who were hidden in an underground cellar of a building just 125 feet from the ghetto for 2-3 years, until liberated by the Russians.

I am writing in hopes that one of those other people survived and perhaps knows more details as to who saved them and more exactly where.

I recently had the attached letter translated from Polish.  It reads as follows and I believe it was to his friend and landsman who later with his wife, became our Uncle Maurice and Tante Vera Schweber.  As mentioned, they were in hiding right outside the ghetto of Przemysl.

My Dears,

Three months have passed since the Red Army liberated us from under the oppressive Hitlerite bandit murderers. I have not written until now because I did not have information on your brother, Bł.P (Błogosławionej Pamięci - of Blessed Memory.)

Now I am in the position to inform you that he was killed together with all the others in September 1943 during the liquidation of the last ghetto. I, my wife and child were saved by miracle and I unfortunately was not able to write to you from my hiding place. Of the 7000 Jews in the area  that was liberated, only 350-450 Jews remain alive so you can imagine the totality of the massacre that the murderers committed. The details of which you will learn sometime after the war ends.

If you have the possibility, I would ask you to send clothes for me, my wife and child who is now 6 years old.

I await your reply. Big regards.

P.S. If you are able to send food too that wouldn't bother us either.