Friday, March 12, 2010

Izio remembers: The Synagogues - Part 2

More from Izio:
This is an old photo of "Dia Alte Shul" which is in Yiddish and means the old school. Inside that building there were other rooms, yeshivas and on the right side was a prayer room called small BethMidrash. It was mostly for the chasidim. They wore the bekeshe(long black coat) a gartel(cotton black belt) long beard and long didelocks(payes).

I was there inside several times. To go inside there were several steps to go down. The steps down were there because the shul could not be build higher then the churches in Przemysl. It was situated in Serbanska street and in front of it was the Rybi Plac which means the fish place. Every Friday live fish such as carp and pike were sold there for Shabbos. In and around the rybi plac was the mykva and bathhouse and the Kahal the building of the Jewish community.

This is the inside of die alte shul(old school. I was there many times - the ceiling was very high!

This is the small Beth Hamidrash - it was a large room inside the Alte Shul. It was chasidic and it was open early in the morning so Jewish people who came to Przemysl from the countryside early in the morning could do the prayers and they were offered a hot glass of tea. Looking from Jagielonska street it was on the left side.

I was in the Tempel many times. On to of the roof were the ten commandements made in concrete and attached to the roof. When the Germans came they put the Tempel on fire and when the Polish fire brigade came they would not permit the fire brigade to extinguish the fire.

Above is a photo of the male choir in the Temple their voices and the Temples organ made the service very different to the other 4 synagogues in Przemysl

The Zasanie Synagogue.
Go to Part 1

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Blogger rb said...

Hello David,
Glad to see more wonderful entries here.
all the best from Roma

1:14 AM  

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